© 2023 Michael Yim

About Me

Michael Yim ()

GaTech '26, B.S. Student, Paint Associate, AI/ML Researcher

Hey there, I am a second-year computer science major who is as fascinated by lines of codes as I am by the lines of constellations. With a penchant for gaming, a thirst for engineering, and a love for all things creative, I am on a quest to blend the reals of imagination and innovation. I am the guy who is always found at the intersection of gaming, code, and the stars. Join me on a journey through pixels and processors, rockets and code.


  • Software Development/Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
  • Cyber Security
  • Game Development/Games
  • Computer Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Architecture/Interior Design
  • Space
  • Digital/Physical Art
  • Building Lego Sets

Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech)

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a focus in Information Inter-networks and Intelligence

"Crafting code and building dreams, one pixel and piece at a time."


Below are some of my skills, and I'm always looking to learn more.


I have a strong foundation in Java programming, allowing me to develop robust and efficient applications. I am skilled in object-oriented programming concepts, and I use Java to create versatile and user-friendly software solutions.


Python is one of my go-to languages for its simplicity and versatility. I have experience using Python for web development, data analysis, and scripting tasks. My proficiency in Python enables me to build applications quickly and effectively.


I am proficient in both C and C++ programming languages, which I use to build high-performance applications, system software, and games. My knowledge of memory management and low-level programming helps me create efficient and optimized code.

HTML,CSS, JavaScript

I am well-versed in the trio of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I create dynamic and responsive websites, using HTML for structuring, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactive elements, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Emacs is my preferred text editor for its extensibility and customization. I utilize Emacs for various programming tasks, configuring it to enhance my coding workflow and increase efficiency.


Proficient in using Git for version control, I effectively manage code changes and collaborations on projects. I am experienced in Git branching, merging, and resolving conflicts to ensure smooth teamwork and project development.


I have hands-on experience with designing and consuming RESTful APIs to connect applications and services. I understand the principles of REST architecture and can efficiently integrate data and functionality.


With Unity game engine, I bring my creative visions to life by designing and developing engaging 2D and 3D games. I use Unity's scripting capabilities to implement game play mechanics and create immersive player experiences.

Other Skills

Soldering, Drawing, Procreate, UI/UX, Graphic Design, Microsoft 365, Adobe Creative Cloud, and I am conversant in both Spanish and Korean.


Here you can see some of the projects I've done over time.

In my free time, I continue to work on personal projects and have many ideas just waiting to be realized.

To see more of my projects...

Contact Me

Email: MichaelYYim@gmail.com

Phone: (678) 989-9496

...or use the following form

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